Author Archives: Arab Light Online Madrasa

Boycott Israeli Goods & Services

Boycott Israeli Goods & Services Individual consumers can show their opposition to Israel’s Apartheid policies against the Palestinian people and violations of international law by participating in a consumer boycott of Israeli goods and services. A boycott can also put pressure on companies whose exports are linked to some of the most evident aspects of […]


Know what to boycott ISRAEL

Know what to boycott Targeted consumer boycotts are convincing retailers across the world to stop selling products from companies profiting from Israel’s crimes. Many Israeli exporters complain that it is getting harder for them to export their products. The Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC) calls for a boycott of Israeli and international companies that are […]


Boycott of Israeli products and companies

The boycott of Israeli products and companies supporting Israel is a peaceful means of putting international pressure on apartheid Israel. Help end Palestinian suffering by boycotting Israel today! Why are these companies on the boycott list? Summary of how each company on the boycott list is supporting Israel: PLASTICS Keter Israels Keter Group is one […]


How can vaccinate visitor register and arrive in Saudi Arabia

How can vaccinate visitor register and arrive in Saudi Arabia? IMMUNE and Non immune Travelers ( except Saudi Citizens and exempted categories ) must fill out the Registration Immunization Information Form before traveling to the Kingdom through the following dedicated website: to allow them to register their immunization data which will enable them to […]


Corona Vaccination Request for Arrival to Saudi Arabia

Corona Vaccination Request for Arrival to Saudi Arabia Corona Vaccination Request for Arrival link is The applicant should consider the following points to facilitate the process of adding information in the shortest possible time and to avoid application rejection: – Making sure the data entered is correct and accurate, entering wrong data may lead […]


When and how performing Rami al-Jamarat

When and how performing Rami al-Jamarat Rami al-Jamarat – শয়তানকে পাথর নিক্ষেপ কখন এবং কীভাবে রামি আল জামারাত সম্পাদন করবেন হাজীদের পাথর নিক্ষেপে পদদলিত হয়ে মৃত্যু থামিয়ে ছিলেন বাংলাদেশি ইঞ্জিনিয়ার আলহাজ্ব মোহাম্মদ ইব্রাহীম, সৌদি আরবে পবিত্র হজ্ব করতে গিয়ে জামারাতে শয়তানকে পাথর মারার সময় হুড়োহুড়িতে পদদলিত হয়ে প্রচুর মুসল্লি মারা যেত। এটা দেখে বাংলাদেশ থেকে […]


All the info of Professional Verification Program Test of KSA

All the info of Professional Verification Program Test of KSA All the info of Professional Verification Program Test of KSA – পেশাদার যাচাই পরীক্ষার সমস্ত তথ্য। Professional Verification Program: Check Eligibility of Worker: 1. How can check the Eligibility for Test – পরীক্ষা দিতে হবে কিনা তা কিভাবে বের করবেন : 3:42 2. […]



CORRECT VIOLATIONS OF THE ANTI-CONCEALMENT LAW of KSA সৌদি বাণিজ্যিক গোপনীয়তা বিরোধী আইন অনুযায়ী কেন ও কিভাবে আপনার ব‍্যবসার তথ‍্য এ কারেকসন করবেন।


Guide of Performing Hajj 1442 in Saudi Arabia

Guide of Performing Hajj 1442 with Essential Du’as for Hajj Hajj is one of the fundamental pillars of Islam, an annual spiritual experience undertaken by Muslims at least once in their lifetime to express their faith in and servitude towards Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala). The first day of the month of Dhul Hijjah 1442 is […]


What are the days of Tashreeq? What is special about them and distinguishes them from other days?

Praise be to Allah. The days of Tashreeq are the 11th, 12th and 13th of Dhu’l-Hijjah. There are several verses and ahaadeeth which speak of their virtue:  1 – Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):  “And remember Allaah during the appointed Days” [al-Baqarah 2:203] These are the days of Tashreeq. This was the view of […]



Al-Abtah (Arabic: الأبطح), is a wide valley that extends between Makkah and Mina. The Prophet (ﷺ) camped in this area before performing the Hajjatul Wida (The Farewell Hajj). It is also known as Al-Muhassab (Arabic: المحسب). Abu Rafi’, who was in charge of the luggage of the Prophet (ﷺ) narrates, “The Prophet (ﷺ) did not […]


How to Perform Hajj

Assalamu’alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh! In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful What is Hajj Hajj is one of the fundamental pillars of Islam, an annual spiritual experience undertaken by Muslims at least once their lifetime to express their faith in and servitude towards Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala – Glory to him, the […]


The Importance and Sunnah of the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah

The Importance and Sunnah of the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah This year, Dhul Hijjah will begin from Maghrib on 10th July 2021. Allah swears an oath by them, and swearing an oath by something is indicative of its importance and great benefit. Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): “By the dawn; by the […]


Details of QIWA and GOSI. How can calculate End Service Benefits and share profile from Qiwa?

Details of QIWA and GOSI. How can calculate End Service Benefits and share profile from Qiwa.? কিভাবে qiwa এই ওয়েবসাইট এর মাধ্যমে আপনার চাকুরি শেষের বেনিফিট ক‍্যালকুলেট করবেন এবং কিভাবে আপনার ক‍্যারিয়ার প্রোফাইল অন‍্যদের কাছে শেয়ার করবেন? Gosi এর মাধ্যমে কিভাবে আপনার জব ডিটেলস জানবেন?


Sehhaty App Registration, Covid-19 Vaccine Booking and Report, Covid-19 Test and Result

To Registration in Sehhaty App, Covid-19 Vaccine Booking and Report, Covid-19 Test and Result please see the above video. To book a Covid-19 Vaccine schedule and get a report please see the below video. Now Covid-19 Vaccine in KSA is open for all. Many people Booked and already got the First Dose. They normally gave […]


Absher Registration and Activation -2021

Absher Registration and Activation You need an Absher Account in Saudi Arabia if you are a Resident or Citizen.  To open an Absher Account search Absher Registration in Google or Download the Absher Apps from Google Play Store or Apple App Store. After that click on Registration to go to the registration page or click […]


Details about Sehhaty App. Registration, Covid-19 Vaccine, Covid-19 Test and Result.

Sehhaty is a mobile App to book and manage Covid-19 Vaccine, Covid-19 Test and Result. By the above video you can know how can register on Sehhaty app, how can book a Covid-19 Vaccine application and how to book an appointment for the Covid-19 Test and how can give a sample and how can get […]


Why you must revert to Islam from Chistanities?

Why you must revert to Islam from Christianity? Surah 3 Ali ‘Imran, Ayat 85-85 وَمَنۡ يَّبۡتَغِ غَيۡرَ الۡاِسۡلَامِ دِيۡنًا فَلَنۡ يُّقۡبَلَ مِنۡهُ​ ۚ وَهُوَ فِى الۡاٰخِرَةِ مِنَ الۡخٰسِرِيۡنَ‏ ﴿3:85 Whoever seeks a faith other than Islam, it will never be accepted from him, and he, in the Hereafter, will be among the losers.  Christianity is a Semitic […]


How to book an Umrah appointment with Eatmarna?

How to book an Umrah appointment with Eatmarna? اعتمرنا The Ministry of Hajj and Umrah, starting 4th Oct 2020 the kingdom will allow 6,000 domestic pilgrims daily to perform Umrah in the first phase. In the second phase, 15,000 domestic pilgrims will be allowed to perform Umrah per day starting from October 18. Visitors from […]


Why meccas marble floorings cool to touch?

হজ্জ্ব কিংবা ওমরাহ করতে যাঁরা ‌সৌ‌দি আর‌বের মক্কার হারাম শরীফে গেছেন, তাঁরা সবাই নিশ্চয়ই একটা ব্যাপার লক্ষ্য করেছেন – চামড়া পোড়ানো প্রখর রোদে খোলা আকাশের নীচে কাবার চারপাশে তাওয়াফ করার সময় পায়ের তলাটা পুড়ে যায় না, বরং বেশ ঠান্ডা অনুভূত হয় । কারণ, এর নেপথ্যে রয়েছে এক চমকপ্রদ ইতিহাস । ড. মোহাম্মাদ কামাল ইসমাইল (১৯০৮-২০০৮) […]
